How being a Spanish Speaker Looks like When English is the International Language

Any language works to create a community.

Gladys Carmina
6 min readJul 17, 2021
Photo by Christian Bowen on Unsplash

I remember a few years ago reading this header on the news:

Princess Charlotte already speaks two languages at the age of two.

The comments reflected people were pissed off by the mediatic impact of this news.

By March 2020 in the UK there were counted 715 thousand people who immigrated to the United Kingdom.

Pretty sure kids same or under two were already bilingual and exposed to more than two languages.

For what an English speaker community is impressive: to be bilingual at a shortage. For the rest of the communities, is a daily living and nothing to be impressed about.

Speaking English is the biggest asset and the most admired skill in Mexico.

Still, not a lot of people either have the chance to study a foreign language or, the public schooling system is not well designed for kids to upgrade their language skills.

As groups are not often divided according to student’s English level, teachers are asked to start from the very beginning: the verb ‘to be’.



Gladys Carmina
Gladys Carmina

Written by Gladys Carmina

Get creative: 🌸Fibre Artist, writer and arroz de todos los moles🩷

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